Human translations

Access to translators and proofreaders in any language.

Quality assurance process to verify AI-content






Quality assurance

You don't need another translation agency. provides human translators
directly in the platform

  • Use AI to generate texts or write yourself
  • Click to request human proofreading
  • Setup pipelines for automated proofreading requests

Generative AI is useful for creating content and translations.
However AI make mistakes. 

With our high quality translation service, you can request any type of proofreading and translations directly from within the platform.

We can help with most language combinations.

Our services


Any content created or translated can be sent for manual proofreading. 

You can also setup a pipeline that sends generated texts to proofreading automatically.

proofreading of AI content

Manual translations

Sometimes you need that human quality to your translations. Request human translations in any language. In the request you can give instructions on tone-of-voice or specific SEO-considerations.

Request translation or proofreading

Quality assurance

If you need additional quality checking we can help. For example checking AI generated content towards data and verify correctness.


Additional services

Use your own translators

Invite your team to manage translations and proofreading directly in One place for managing all content needs.


If you have a translation memory or term bank, you can use this in to improve translations. 

No-translate list

Some words should not be translated. In the platform you can easily add words that should be kept as is in the translations.

SEO crosslinks

Crosslinks are useful to add internal links on your site. For example you may want to link "jacket" to a category page about jackets. In you can manage links so they appear automatically in the texts. 

Ready to learn more? Book a meeting now!